The background

From small to big projects.

Nuuk was founded by Vallila Marine, it belongs to Finland's largest textile group Manna&Co. Vallila Marine has over 30 years and thousands of projects experience from working with custom interior solutions for the marine and hospitality industry.

Our story

We wanted to create a no gimmick solution for optimizing your workplace's productivity with modular & customizable work and tranquility pods from Nuuk.

Implementing decades of experience from materials and interior design, the modular Nuuk pods are fully customizable to your working environment’s needs, with an emphasis on comfort, functionality, soundproofing, and airflow.

Our mission

To change the way we approach our productivity.

Envision yourself in a faraway remote corner of the earth. Nuuk work and tranquility pods offer an escape from the noise and clutter of the office, into a space where you can optimize your productivity by relaxing and concentrating on the task at hand.